Many governments have support systems for the elderly such as social security and discounted medical care. Most of these systems were built with the idea that there will always be fewer elders to take care, eventually fewer elders are not the only ones facing struggles, the entire elder society faces these struggles. The rights at stake are known to represent protection, participation, and image. Participation refers to the need to establish a greater and more active role for older people in society. Image refers to the need to define a more positive, less degrading and discriminatory idea of who elderly are and what they are capable of doing. Regional organizations have begun to deal with these categories of rights for elder society.

Little by little the government and the community has been adjusted and accustomed to these canges that were badly needed by the elderly. The law of the disabled and elderly have been taken into consideration by society and have been beneficial and regionally favorable for the rest of society not only for seniors but for the welfare of society as well. Indeed the elderly is a society that we must honor and take into consideraion as they have lived longer than us and from them we learn to value life.
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