Thursday, April 7, 2011

Elderly Mistreatment

Elder mistreatment can either be physical, psychological, neglect or finacial mistreatment. Many communities differ in what they consider to be elder mistreatment, some of the factors that influence these differences include culture, race, and ethnicity. The law against this issue have been perfectly clear to society but still age discrimination remains prevalent today.

Elder mistreatment is most commonly to occured inside a family most likely a family affair. Adult children are indicated to be the ones mistreating elders. Not only in their homes elders suffer from mistreatment but that in the institutions where they attend or live are as well mistreated. Society is the major factor that affects elders, now on elders still are mistreated and verbally abused by the community. An elderly has the right to be treated with dignity, without regard to race, and respect.

The major problem that elders are now struggling with is the finding of jobs. The government has fail on not giving proper or equal opportunities in jobs and of course on firing older workers from industries or companies because of their age, despite to what anyone says, age discrimination is everywhere to be seeing. The federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act(ADEA) prohibited job discrimination against anyone over the ages of 40. Most states have already accomplished their own laws prohibiting age discrimination. The Supreme Court made it harder for employees to prove age discrimination cases, employees only had to prove that age was a factor in their discrimination case.

After all we must give priority to secure equal rights for elders and the truth is that we need to take in consideration those people that we will all eventually become.

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