Monday, April 11, 2011

Elders Struggle and Activism

Ageism has been consider discrimination against people who are old, just as racism it accomplish this with skin color and gender. Age discrimination occurs when an employer denies any opportunity based on age. Ageism allows the younger generations to see elders as different from themselves. The elderly have not been raised as a military or have committed any corrupt or violent event to defend their rights. They have risen up and fought for their rights in the most peaceful and patient way, of course is not beneficial for any elder to take any drastic decisions.

The internal struggles that elders face today are stimulated by the aging itself, such as physical challenges, mental deterioration, residential replacement, and of course the approach of death, much of the struggle is culturally stimulated. The struggle for which the elders has passed has not been easy at all, not only are the internal or physical struggles but we realize how a partnership formed to one side this community for the elderly. Industrial society has finally given th dismissal of hundreds of elderly people in companies because the company thinks that older workers will not be beneficial enough or capable of for any job when they reach a certain age, this type of situation makes an elder feel vulnerable. The ultimate goal that every old person wants to achieve is to retire after a long time working and of course they succeed, on the other hand we still have a community of elders that need jobs and need to continue working.

As the rest of society makes a good use of the internet and has write letters to the government to inform some kind of protest, elders also have make a use of the internet for the same reasons as well. Elders often see important changes in society generally in the government that will have a negative effect on them. There are somethings that people of any age can accomplish when government policies or media attacks elders as a group, elders have also participated in activism as well as the younger generation.

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