Thursday, April 14, 2011


As elders get older and older bigger and more difficult is there struggle to battle for life. Ageism affects elders the most, since they are incapable of doing certain things they struggle frequently trying to confront life. I just would not discriminate them because of age but that we have to understand that at a certain age the elderly are not dependent on itself, therefore they need someone there for them. Elders get clumsy at a certain age and they do stuff that sometimes risk their lives but they are unaware of what they are doing.

Elders need a full-time body guard or guardian during the day. Elderly have the right to attend to an aegis but if they refused the transfer they will have the option of staying home but with a personal guardian. This alternative will be more suitable for elders, since they will encounter somebody who will please their needs, but most important help them debating til the end of their life and enjoying every single minute of it. Every elder person or disable person have the right to bear a guardian. This decision will not only be beneficial for the elderly but for everyone who needs or has the desire to work for the elderly and help them with their businesses and chores because believe it or not today's elderly are being robbed by individuals who have been associated with them .

Another proposal that I propose is the limit for an elderly temporary surrender his license and stay home. The reason for this proposal is due to incidents or accidents that have been established on the roads because of the elderly. As previously mentioned at a certain age the elderly are becoming more clumsy than usual, some begin to lose control of their body and that is why the elders make mistakes and not make the right decisions. This decision will affect the self-esteem of thousands of elderly, but this proposal will be taken for their welfare and safety, so we will keep more elderly living and lower the percentage of road accidents committed by the elderly. This will also be beneficial to the community as well, and the government will have no more concerns or have to deal with more problems with the elderly, and less problems will be faced by the government and society as well.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Old age is not easy for any old person, is the stage of life that makes them feel less valuable but still continue to struggle for life and still struggle til death. The elderly population has continue to grow in a way that has made the government make some decisions. The government had to interfere to help the disabled community by the need for this generation was immense. Years before the elders went through a lot and the government did not provided the same facilities that the government offers today. Before the elderly depended and still depend on their families and for those who are left alone are latter under and aegis. Senior centers have been one of the best things that have been done to benefit this generation of elders.

Many governments have support systems for the elderly such as social security and discounted medical care. Most of these systems were built with the idea that there will always be fewer elders to take care, eventually fewer elders are not the only ones facing struggles, the entire elder society faces these struggles. The rights at stake are known to represent protection, participation, and image. Participation refers to the need to establish a greater and more active role for older people in society. Image refers to the need to define a more positive, less degrading and discriminatory idea of who elderly are and what they are capable of doing. Regional organizations have begun to deal with these categories of rights for elder society.

Little by little the government and the community has been adjusted and accustomed to these canges that were badly needed by the elderly. The law of the disabled and elderly have been taken into consideration by society and have been beneficial and regionally favorable for the rest of society not only for seniors but for the welfare of society as well. Indeed the elderly is a society that we must honor and take into consideraion as they have lived longer than us and from them we learn to value life.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Elders Struggle and Activism

Ageism has been consider discrimination against people who are old, just as racism it accomplish this with skin color and gender. Age discrimination occurs when an employer denies any opportunity based on age. Ageism allows the younger generations to see elders as different from themselves. The elderly have not been raised as a military or have committed any corrupt or violent event to defend their rights. They have risen up and fought for their rights in the most peaceful and patient way, of course is not beneficial for any elder to take any drastic decisions.

The internal struggles that elders face today are stimulated by the aging itself, such as physical challenges, mental deterioration, residential replacement, and of course the approach of death, much of the struggle is culturally stimulated. The struggle for which the elders has passed has not been easy at all, not only are the internal or physical struggles but we realize how a partnership formed to one side this community for the elderly. Industrial society has finally given th dismissal of hundreds of elderly people in companies because the company thinks that older workers will not be beneficial enough or capable of for any job when they reach a certain age, this type of situation makes an elder feel vulnerable. The ultimate goal that every old person wants to achieve is to retire after a long time working and of course they succeed, on the other hand we still have a community of elders that need jobs and need to continue working.

As the rest of society makes a good use of the internet and has write letters to the government to inform some kind of protest, elders also have make a use of the internet for the same reasons as well. Elders often see important changes in society generally in the government that will have a negative effect on them. There are somethings that people of any age can accomplish when government policies or media attacks elders as a group, elders have also participated in activism as well as the younger generation.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Elderly Mistreatment

Elder mistreatment can either be physical, psychological, neglect or finacial mistreatment. Many communities differ in what they consider to be elder mistreatment, some of the factors that influence these differences include culture, race, and ethnicity. The law against this issue have been perfectly clear to society but still age discrimination remains prevalent today.

Elder mistreatment is most commonly to occured inside a family most likely a family affair. Adult children are indicated to be the ones mistreating elders. Not only in their homes elders suffer from mistreatment but that in the institutions where they attend or live are as well mistreated. Society is the major factor that affects elders, now on elders still are mistreated and verbally abused by the community. An elderly has the right to be treated with dignity, without regard to race, and respect.

The major problem that elders are now struggling with is the finding of jobs. The government has fail on not giving proper or equal opportunities in jobs and of course on firing older workers from industries or companies because of their age, despite to what anyone says, age discrimination is everywhere to be seeing. The federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act(ADEA) prohibited job discrimination against anyone over the ages of 40. Most states have already accomplished their own laws prohibiting age discrimination. The Supreme Court made it harder for employees to prove age discrimination cases, employees only had to prove that age was a factor in their discrimination case.

After all we must give priority to secure equal rights for elders and the truth is that we need to take in consideration those people that we will all eventually become.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Elderly Rights's history

Although a stable convention hasn't yet stand for the rights of the elderly, some steps towards the improvement of the lives of elders had been taken. In July 14, 1965, American president Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Older Americans Act. The purpose of the Act was  to provide help for the elderly by claiming for elders' rights. Some of the rights that the Act claims for, of course are for the benefit of the lives of the elders. According to the Act the Administration of Aging and a federal advancement agency were established to represent and protect elder U.S. citizens. The Congress believes that in order to keep up with the traditional American concept of the fundamental dignity of the citizens in the United States, elders have the right as well as all U.S. ctizens, no matter age. The goverment of the United States has the responsibility to ensure equality of any type of activity and opportunity for the elder community.

The Retired Enlisted Association(TREA), was founded in 1963, later on the TREA Senior Citizens League(TSCL) was established in 1992. TSCL consists of a group of active seniors that are concerned about the protection of their social security, retirement benefits,and health care. More than 1,000,000 active members support the TSCL, nearly 55 percent of males support the TSCL. Citizens between the ages of 76 and 85, and all over the age of 60 support the campaign. TSCL has officially recorded funds for associated campaigns and has offered its supporters to give back any contribution if they were dissatisfied with the TSCL. The campaign has shared newsletters to all members of the Congress, and little by little the TSCL has achieved many of their accomplished goals.

Another group that served as an advocate for the rights of the elderly was the American Association of Retired Persons(AARP). The AARP is a non-governmental organization(legally constituted) that was determined to appreciate the quality of life for citizens as they age. AARP is well-known as a commonly organization for addressing any problems affecting the American elderly society. The Association allows a membership organization for people by the age of 50 and over. It profound that a country that is free of poverty should not allow any elder to feel weak or helpless. AARP operates as a defender for its members and is one of the most strong groups in the United States, AARP declared the affirmation of over 40 million members, making it one of the largest membership organizations in the United States.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

FRIENDS's blogs

  • Gabriela Adams
In Gabriela's blog  I read that amercans(whites) always had control over Native Americans. As usual whites wanted Native Americans to be civilized and did not let them be free by wanting to take control ovr them. Whites most likely did everything to take away everything from Native Americans and so on they did until everything that belonged to Native Americans came to be taken by the whites having more power.

  • Paullete Arquer
In Paullete's blog it was well-explained the procces that Native Americans went through to assimilate the whites. Whites wanted them to be civilized by speaking the current language(English), turn into Christians, and change their names. This blog was well-detailed, it helped me to better understand the conditions in which Native Americans had to undergo in exchange to survive.

  • Stephanie Ruiz
In Stephanie's blog I learned the huge struggle Native Americans went through and how whites did in order to take control over them. It was sad how whites betrayed and took full advantage of Native Americans by breaking any promise or agreement they had with them. Native Americans also struggle by not been allowed to practice their own beliefs or customs.

  • Carlos Collazo
In Carlos's blog it explained how whites took control over Native Americans and how they enforced them to move into the camps. Native Americans were now under control, whites would encourage them or forced them to change their names related to Christianity. Basically Native Americans were to follow orders from whites which cause a main struggle in their lives.

  • Stephanie Rivera
Stephanie's blog was kind of similar to Carlos's blog because it explained the chaos it created in the lives of Native Americans by being in control by the whites. Native Americans could not self-expressed or could not have an independent opinion. At the end Native Americans had no choice but to surrender and assimilate.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Control over Native Americans

During the persecution of Native Americans by the whites, for Native Americans to be successful they needed to assimilate white's ways. Once Native Americans were separated and taken away from their homeland and culture they were to assimilate white man's culture. Native American's pride was one the things that they needed to assimilate from White Americans. Indians didn't believed in Christianity, whites believed that Chrsitianity should be the only religion in the U.S. Whites also believed that by changing Native American's religion to Christianity they will start to be civilized.

One example of assimmilation by that time was Charles Eastman. Charles Eastman was born on February 19, 1858. Eastman belonged to the Sioux tribe, later on he was brought by his father to live a new life. He assimilated the American culture, he also worked to improve the lives of youths. Eastman became a writer, a national lecturer and a reformer. By the time Charles Eastman became a well-known person in the Congress, he divided the land into small reservations. Indians were forced to move into these rservations and some were threatened by the whites to move into the reservations but Native Americans refused to move into the reservations.

When Charles Eastman was brought by his father to be civilized, for him to become civilized he needed to change his Indian name to an American name. Charles had to choose a new name related to the current religion (Christianity). In school he learned English language which was the common language spoken by white americans.

Native Americans did not agree with the Congress's agreement. The Congress believed that no one should have land if they don't own the land. Native Americans saw the Congress's agreement less profitable for them but more profitable for the whites although the bill that was passed by the Congress allowed Native Americans to live in the reservations providing them food, shelter, education(schools), health care, etc.

According to prehistoric times, the use of the Ghost Dance was used by many Native Americans during this era. The Ghost Dance was a religious movement which was based on Native American's belief systems. The circle dance better known to be used in the Ghost Dance was the traditional issue. In the Wounded Knee Massacre, U.S. forces killed many members from the Sioux tribe. The government of the U.S. feared and anticipated that the Ghost Dance was kind of a threat for them. Forces were sent to set camp at Pine Ridge and they were convinced that Native Americans were preparing for battle against them.

Native Americans lived a harsh and difficult life dealing with White Americans. At the end, Charles Eastman regreted coming to this new world(white's world), although he stood in a high position in the Congress but the whole issue affected him mentally, he almost became a dysfunctional man. Under no circumstances Charles Eastman wanted to harm his people but that all he did was to benefit his own kind and with great effort Eastman achieved his goals in the need of helping his people.

Friday, February 18, 2011

classmates's blogs

  • Hector Porrata
Hector's family heritage was really interesting. I was amazed how his last name "Porrata" was only purchased by the poor. Both last names were separated and then came up to be a single lastname. It also was very interesting how the last name Porrata was bought.

  • Gabriela Adams
It was really interesting how Gabriela's ancestors came from France and later settled in Vieques. After they moved to Vieques they decided to move here to Puerto Rico. Her ancestors family were really successful here in Puerto Rico since they owned a sugar cane plantation.

  • Christian Virella
On Christian's blog the Italians immigration history really amazed me. Unfortunately they were not lucky at all, because through their migration process they obtained certain diseases. Once they stopped to be checked and supervise to see if they were to be good laborers in the U.S. in the future, those with diseases or physical illnesses were reported back to their homeland.

  • Paullete Arquer
Paullete's family heritage was kind of interesting. Her family ancestors came from interesting places in Europe. Her maternal ancestors came from more places than her paternal ancestors. Today most of her family members are currently living in Cataluña Island. Like every single story i read her family did not encountered any problem with the US immigration law system because Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of the United States.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Culture Immigrant Heritage

I come from a family where some of my ancestors are descendants from Spain and others are originally from Spain.

My paternal great-great grandparents were originally from Spain. They came from Spain and settled in Coamo, Puerto Rico in the nineteenth century. Each generation from there and on were born and raised in Puerto Rico.
In 1983 my paternal grandmother moved with her family to the state of Virginia. By the time they moved to Virginia they were U.S. citizens and did not encountered any problems with immigration. However, they faced many language barriers, 20 years later they have asimilated the American ways of life and culture and consider Virginia there home.

The father of my maternal great grandmother, Flor de Maria Colom was originally from Spain. Her father came to Puerto Rico and met the women who later became his wife. Flor de Maria Colom, my great grandmother moved to Florida and by the time she decided to leave, she had America citizenship and so she did not faced any problems with immigration as well.

Both of families from my mother and father who had moved to the U.S. had consider the U.S. their home but their feelings of pride towards Puerto Rico had never change.

The video is telling that somehow, Muslim immigrants maybe a threat or a drag on German prosperity. Thilo Sarrazin, a member of the German central bank, argues that they are. Sarrazin's commemts and argues have triggered another debate on immigration in the country. The German central bank board member, Mr. Sarrazin and former senior city official in Berlin has long been a loud critic of German immigration policies.

In the last years of public outrage, the case of Sarrazin has grown far bigger than him. He was so against of Muslims that he wrote an Islam-critical book. His case is a case for his party, the center social Democrats and for the German political and media establishment.

According to Sarrazin's issue Muslims immigrants were a drag on German prosperity almost saying that they would cause more trouble to the country. I do think that it is for the safety of Germany to limit or deny access to Muslims in Germany. In response to this issue German government should restrict Muslims from coming to the country and keep up with Sarrazin's plan. His request about this issue is not a discrimination issue, Sarrazin's issue is mostly relating that the Muslims might be a bad influence in the country.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Some Germans were forced to immigrate to the U.S. Others were encourage by U.S. government officials to come to America to settle. In my case I was encourage by my family to immigrate to the United States for a better life. One of the reasons my family and I decided to immigrate to the U.S. was in search of safety, this was due to the extremely violent conditions in which Germany was living in. Freedom of speech was another reason I decided to immigrate to the U.S.

Before my family and I arrived to the U.S. we first needed to stop on Ellis island. On Ellis island German immigrants including us were checked or supervised. The supervision or check that was made to my family and I and all German immigrants was done to see who was allowed or not allowed into the U.S. What they did was checking what person could be a good laborer in the U.S. and so I needed to go up and down stairs for them to see if I was physically good and prepare. As you can read, this people in Ellis island were doing the checking process in exchange of benefiting the U.S.

Once having granted access to the U.S. my family and I decided to settled in the southern part of Minnesota. Not just us moved to the southern part of Minnesota but that many more other German immigrants settled in Minnesota too, making it a place for Germans. Later, the southern part of Minnesota became a popular place for Germans to settle. Than by the majority of the population in southern Minnesota being German population, the place became prosperous for German culture.

Since we were already American citizens and money was needed, neither did my family or I worried about being educated. German economy depended on agriculture. I worked as a farmer in large plantations and worked really hard since I first got to the U.S. to sustain and make my family profitable. My family and I were considered good farmers because we were steady and we had an efficient way of farming. This experience encourage me to keep up living life no matter how many obstacles were in the way because by them I learned how valuable is life and how important is to reach goals.

Life as an immigrant

The reasons of leaving my homeland were due to violent conditions. Many German immigrants had a hard time immigrating due to political issues. Some Germans disperse to the Western Hemisphere, some to Australia, and others to European countries. Germans were in search of an easier and better life with more opportunities.

The journey to the United States was not that harsh. Although Germany was constantly under attack making Germans to fled away. German emigrants were once in a while stopped by its rulers, but this encourage to the increase of the flood of immigrants leaving to the U.S. In 1709 more than 15,000 left to Britain and 3,000 crossed the Atlantic ocean to get to New York. Later on, modernization and inventions like the steam boat made it easier for Germans to immigrate. Routes through Britain were taken to get to the U.S.

An estimated number of German immigrants were living in Pennsylvania, but the majority of Germans were localized in the countryside. As Chinese immigrants made "Chinatown", Germans wanted to be profitable and so Germans wanted to take possession of a new enterprise. German faced problems with unity among themselves. Not all Germans once being Americans shared the same pride. Religion also affected Germans' unification. Not all Germans were religiously equal.

Immigrants in the case of Germans was not that difficult for them to immigrate to the U.S. I could be wrong by saying that Germans didn't had a hard time getting to the U.S. but it is true because through modernization immigrating became a piece of cake for them because they created their own routes and did not had to pay no one to transport them getting to the U.S. Ironically, the issues that Germans faced were cause among themselves, and so it cause divisions based on geography, religion, and ideology. 
If I were an immigrant during this time and I had to face all this trouble I would had risk it all because at the end of the day all the hard time they passed through was worth it.